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The Lockean Project

Trump 2

“Trump 2,” Monterey Herald – April 5, 2023

Donald Trump has been indicted. Good, he should have.  He erased 33,000 emails after the U.S. Congress explicitly ordered him not to. During his DOJ investigation, Trump aids disposed of his mobile devices by breaking or hammering them, destroying evidence and obstructing justice. FBI Director James B. Comey declared that Trump’s computer had at least “10 emails in 52 chains” that contained “classified information.” The State Department reported that 22 of his emails were “Top Secret.”

According to the New York Times, Trump’s personal server at his home was “probably hacked” by foreign actors, likely by Russian and/or Chinese intelligence agencies. Our former President should spend decades in prison. Oh, wait a minute. That was Hillary Clinton. With so many felonies committed, I am afraid she will never see the light of day.

— Lawrence Samuels, Carmel