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The Lockean Project

Comments Twitter Files

“Comments Twitter Files,” Monterey Herald – Dec. 27, 2022

Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that the FBI, DHS, DOJ, DNC, and the Biden administration were pressuring Twitter and other social media outlets to censor, blacklist, and shadowban online critics. Twitter records show that federal agents suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story for political reasons, a blatant violation of the First Amendment. Our government is not supposed to take sides in political campaigning.

Moreover, at least 80 FBI agents collaborated with Twitter to help monitor the social media site, engaging in weekly meetings with the Twitter staff, along with former FBI agents employed by Twitter, like Jim Baker, who helped to ban any Twitter account that expressed the wrong political narrative.

From a batch of “Twitter Files,” Musk recently asserted that the “Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info from the public.” That figure was $3.4 million, which the FBI confirmed as just a “reimbursement.”

The FBI’s collusion with Twitter to squelch free speech is a serious assault on the constitutional right of free speech. We cannot allow the flagrant weaponization of government agencies against American political opponents.

— Lawrence Samuels, Carmel