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The Lockean Project

“Potential victims of crimes from the rental registry”

Carmel Pine Cone, sent on Feb. 27, 2024, not published  

I can readily see how Monterey’s rental registry could be a very useful tool—for the criminal element.  A talented burglar needs only surf the registry on one of the city library’s own computers (thanks, Monterey) to find what people pay for rent and thereby get a feel for their affluence; how many occupants to be aware of when creeping the joint; the number of rooms indicating more possible valuables within, and a host of other very valuable clues to ensure a safe and profitable criminal endeavor.  There are likely subtle clues to suggest an elderly couple is more open to scams ( a long length of occupancy perhaps?).  Dog friendly? No?  All the better.  How about a woman living alone? That could surely appeal to some cretins seeking prey. And then the landlords themselves must not be overlooked (Hmmm, this guy has 13 rentals, might be worthwhile looking into his assets).  And to think, this trove of information is paid for by the potential victims themselves, tenants and landlords alike.

Personally, I laud the landlords and tenants who continue to resist this oppressive intrusion.  By so doing you serve the safety and privacy of Monterey denizens much better than the city itself does.

Richard S. Hellam, Seaside